Friday, 18 January 2013

Time management - some caveats

I'm now a couple of weeks into my new time management regime (as are one or two others who are trying it out) and I'm quite pleased with how it's going!  A few caveats have occurred to me over the last few days on the advice in the previous post though:
  • It's all about discipline - you could read a million 'how to manage your time' blogs but you'll never  do any of them properly unless you exercise discipline over your time (like stopping yourself browsing the web when you need to focus on a task) - as that's what they all involve; 
  • The effects of implementing this time management plan may not come as a sudden, obvious 'wow - everything works!' but as a longer term sense of calm and satisfaction that you're getting a bit more done 
  • Some of the advice may seem counterintuitive, time-wasting and boring when you're doing it - like spending 10 mins sorting out your priorities and to-do list at the start of each week/day but the time it saves over the course of the day could be huge!

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