Tuesday 25 May 2010

Making mental health accessible

The Mental Health Foundation do some good work in breaking down the big (and, for many people, scary) topic of mental health and showing how it relates to some more specific topics that can feature in many of our daily lives and experiences of life - including loneliness, happiness and fear. Their most recent report asks whether modern life is leading to greater loneliness.

This is important work, as it encourages people to see mental health not as a taboo subject, but as something we all need to look at and work on in life - just like our physical health. One of the most fundamental ways we can improve our experience of life is by improving the way we deal with this experience and how we see the world. Improving people's mental health is therefore an important component of Life²'s work - part of helping them to live happier, wiser and more meaningful lives.

Here are some links to a few of the MHF's recent campaigns and reports - Fear, Be Mindful and 10 ways to look after your mental health.


  1. Looking forward to reading the report. I often wonder if social media is playing a part in increased isolation from each other, or if the face of communication is changing and people are just going to become accustomed to non face-to-face communication?

  2. It's an interesting point - and there are people arguing strongly for both sides as to whether social media promote or reduce loneliness. Like anything, I'm sure it depends on their context and use. Here's an interesting link on it - http://tinyurl.com/rsalink
